Sunny Day Care
Mobile phone, electronic device and camera policy
This policy sets out clear guidelines on the acceptable use of mobile phones and cameras, in order to eliminate the following concerns:
1. Staff being distracted from their work with children
2. The inappropriate use of cameras around children
In order to achieve this we operate the following Acceptable Use policy:
Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices
We accept that staff and visitors may bring mobile phones and other electronic devices. However in line with safeguarding best practice the following procedure will apply.
1. Staff and visitors are not permitted to use any recording equipment on their personal mobile phones.
2. Staff is permitted to use personal mobile phones to make and receive calls in the kitchen area or in the garden.
3. Staff will be asked to leave their personal mobile phones in their bags or designed baskets. Visitors may also be asked to leave their personal mobile phones in kitchen areas.
4. If member of staff has a specific need to keep their phones with them on a particular occasion, prior permission must be sought from the manager.
5. We recognise that some visitors may need to keep their mobile phones with them. Visitors will not be left unsupervised with children.
6. Staff who bring their personal mobile phones or any other electronic device onto the premises must ensure that there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device. The manager reserves the right to check the image contents of a mobile phone or electronic device if theire is any cause for concern over its appropriate use. Should inappropriate material be found the Local Area Designated Officer will be contacted immediately.
7. It is the responsibility of all members of staff to be vigilant and report any concerns to the Manager. If it is not deemed appropriate then concerns can be reported directly to the Local Designated Officer.
8. When on Outings the Nursery’s own mobile phone can be used /where applicable/.
Photographs taken for the purpose of recording participating in activities or celebrating their achievements is an effective method of observing Children’s progress in Early Years Foundation Stage, and offers valuable evidence for the Children’s learning Journeys. It is essential however that photographs are taken and stored appropriately to safeguard the children in our care.
1. Only the designated setting camera is to be used to take photographs within the settings or on outings.
2. Any photographs taken must be deemed suitable without putting any child in a compromising position that may cause embarrassment or distress.
3. Images taken and stored on the camera should be downloaded as soon as possible. Where possible images should be downloaded on Nursery premises. Where it is not possible, images may be downloaded off site but should be erased of the personal computer once they have been printed.
4. Under no circumstances must camera of any kind be taken into bathroom and toilets. If photographs need to be taken in the bathroom e.g. photograph of the children washing their hands manager should be informed and at least two member of the staff should be present.
5. Cameras and memory cards should be locked in a secure place at the end of every session.
Summary: To answer all the telephone calls we need to have a person responsible for that but we do not have that person . All members of staff are included in ratio adult children. Please leave a message or text and we will respond as soon as it is possible.
This policy was adopted at the meeting of Sunny Day Care
Manager: Date: April 2016
Y Handzhieva