Parents as Partners Policy

Parents as Partners Policy

Aim of the Policy

To support parents as their child’s first educators

To involve parents in the life of the nursery and their children progress and development

To be open to input from parents about how the nursery operates

To support parents in their own continuing education and personal development

We believe that children benefit from Nursery care and education when parents and the nursery work closely together in partnership.

In order to fulfil these aims:

Parents are always welcome to visit the Nursery and be part of the Nursery life.

We are committed to on-going dialogue with parents to improve our knowledge of the needs of their children and support the families. Parents will be involved in key decisions made about their child within the Nursery.

Information about the activities and events is displayed and distributed to parents

Parents have access to their child’s records and folder. Parents are informed on regular basis about their child’s progress and development.

We provide opportunities for parents to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the nursery.

Methods of communication:

Parents Information Board and displays

Informal and formal individual appointments and day to day discussions

Key persons discuss, exchange and share information on daily basis

We use text messages and emails to communicate about absences, events, reminders.

Each child has a Learning Journey folder, design to show their progress, development and area of concerns.

Parents receive Progress reports, General comments and Progress check at 2.

Home links partnership with parents that include: Home reading, home bags/Music bag, Writing bag, Mathletic, Sensory bag, sing it bag…/.

Comments and advice envelope is available at the entrance.

“Tell us how we did it today” jars used on regular basis.

Regular questionnaire about all the aspect of childcare are given to the parents and they are strongly encouraged to respond.

Open Days offer opportunity to the parents to come and enjoy their child’s progress and development.

Taste menu with questionnaire are offered on regular basis.


=In respond to our efforts we will appreciate parent’s cooperation, collaboration and partnership.

=We do expect parents to be ready and available to discuss the nursery matters

=Always give correct information in writing and verbally

=Inform the nursery about injuries, family activities and events that could affect child’s life

=Always share their concerns if they have any about their child’s health, safety, progress and development.

= Make complaint following Complaint Procedure.


The policy is revised and updated in April 2017


Manager: Y Handzhieva                                                                                                          18/04/2017


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