Terms and Conditions
Sunny Day Care Terms and Conditions
With effect from 03/09/2018
3-4 years old with 30 hours free
- Full time- stretched offer: 25 hours x 45 weeks (+ 15 hours spare) –WEEKLY FEE -£115/10 hours per day.
Deposit: £230/two weeks fee/ paid at admission.
- Standard offer: 30 hours x 38 weeks /term time/ with 10 hours per week extra –WEEKLY FEE:£60
School holidays: WEEKLY FEE: £160
Deposit: £160
- Standard offer: 30 FREE hours x 38 weeks/term time/. School holidays: WEEKLY FEE: £160
Deposit: £160
Fees must be paid weekly/monthly in advance. Fees are due on Friday for the following week/month.
Fees must be paid in full regardless the attendance and absence during the week.
3-4 years old and 2 years old with EDU-Nursery Grant/15 free hours/
Weekly fee – £160
Deposit – £160/one week fee/ paid at the admission. Deposit will be held and fully refunded with at least four weeks advance notice for termination of the contract/it does NOT include holidays and time off/.
Fees are paid weekly/monthly in advance. Fee is due on Friday for the following week/month.
Fees must be paid in full regardless the attendance and absences during the week.
The Government scheme EDU-Nursery Grant currently includes 570 hours/38 weeks/ per year EDU-Nursery Grant.
2 years old
Weekly fee – £210
Deposit – £210 paid at the admission. Deposit will be held and fully refunded with at least four weeks advance notice for termination of the contract/it does Not include holidays and time off/.
Annual holidays and parents time off only with advance notice of four weeks – £120 /must be paid in advance/. Each child can use this fee for 6 weeks per year.
Fees must be paid weekly/monthly in advance. Fees are due on Friday for the following week/month.
Fees must be paid in full regardless the attendance and absences during the week in order to keep the place for the child.
1 year old
Weekly fee – £220
Deposit – £220 paid at the admission. Deposit will be held and fully refunded with at least four weeks advance notice for termination of the contract/it does NOT include holidays and time off/.
Annual holidays and parents time off only with advance notice of four weeks – £130 /must be paid in advance/. Each child can use this fee for 6 weeks per year.
Fees must be paid weekly/monthly in advance. Fees are due on Friday for the following week/month.
Fees must be paid in full regardless the attendance and absences during the week in order to keep the place for the child.
Daily fees/ minimum use – 2 days/
Children with EDU- Nursery Grant : £45 per day
Children without EDU-Nursery Grant: £60 per day
Fees for contracted days must be paid in full regardless the attendance.
All full time fees apply for 10 hours per day. Please note, that we don’t count the minutes and give a great flexibility of arrival and collection, but we do expect children arriving early in the morning to be collected earlier in the afternoon.
All the children
Delays after 6pm will be charged as follow:
Up to 15 minutes – £30
Up to 30 minutes – £50
After 30 minutes we will contact Social services
Discounts: Siblings / two children of the same family/ – 10%
Bank holidays – CLOSED
Annual holidays: September2018 – 31st August 2019
Christmas and New Year: 22nd December 2018 – 6th January 2019/ we will close on 21st December at 6pm and will be reopened on 7th January at 7am/
Summer break: 05th August 2018 – 01st September 2018/ the first and last week of August are flexible, they might be adjusted to meet families’ needs/
The holidays could be changed on demand or due to any other circumstances changed.
All fees are inclusive of meals/breakfast, 10 o’clock snack, lunch, afternoon tea/, activities, games and learning resources
Payment of fees: All the fees are due in advance for the following week /month
Use of digital images – photography and video
To comply with Data Protection Act 1998, we need your permission before we can photograph or make recordings of your daughter/son.
If the child is named we don’t use their photograph.
If their photograph is used we avoid naming the child.
Where showcasing examples of children’s work we only use their first names, rather than their full names.
Only images of children in suitable dress are used.
Staff are not allowed to take photographs or videos on their personal equipment.
Examples of how digital photography and video may be used include:
- Your child being photographed as part of learning activity; e.g. photographing children at work and then sharing pictures allowing children to see their work and make improvements.
- Your child’s image for presentation purposes around the nursery,: wall displays or nursery books.
- Your child’s image being used in a presentation about the nursery and its work to shares its good practice, which is shown to other parents, nurseries, schools or educators. In rare events your child’s image could appear in media if a newspaper photographer or television film crew attend an event.
Note: If we or you, actually wanted your child’s image linked to their name, we would contact you separately.
Further information for parents on e- safety can be found at:
I agree to the Sunny Day Care using photographs of my child or including them in video materials as described above. I understand that images will only be used to support learning activities or in publicity that reasonably promotes the work of the nursery and for no other purpose.
We do welcome visitors but we will take care for the premises to remain safe for children and adults. All the visitors will be accompanied at all the time from the member of staff during their visit.
Having visitors is very unsettling for some of the children and distract them from their play and learning activities. We do any efforts to accept the visitors by appointment and with minimum disruption of the daily routines of the nursery but very often we need to meet visitors unexpectedly.
We strongly recommend people to avoid visits between the lunch time and quiet time/ between 12pm and 3;30pm/.
Manager: Y Handzhieva
Date: 19/04/16
Complaint procedure
Sunny Day Care
Procedure with dealing with complaints
We go out of my way to maintain high standards of service.
However, if service users have cause for complaint, please make it in writing and place it in the envelope provided in the porch area, email it or give it to a member of staff.
The manager of Sunny Day Care will deal with the complaint promptly. The complaint will be fully investigated and recorded. You will be informed of the outcome of the complaint within 28 days of the date the complaint was made. Most of the problems are resolved at this point, although you can write to Ofsted if you want to take the matter further. The address is on Ofsted latest leaflet displayed below.
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
This policy is reviewed and updated in February 2016
Y Handzhieva
Collecting and lost child procedure 2016
Sunny Day Care
Collecting and lost child procedure
Safety of the children is a paramount importance. In order to ensure the safety of the children we will ensure that:
All children are supervised by adults at all times and will always be within the sight of an adult.
All parents must complete a registration form where they give detail of persons who will collect and bring the child.
All the parents must give details of two persons for emergency contact.
Children will only leave the nursery with authorised adults.
All adults are aware of the system in operation for children‘s arrivals and departures and an adult will be at the door during these periods.
If there is a delay after 6pm more than 15 minutes and we cannot contact the parents/main carer we will try emergency contacts.
If the delay is more than 30 minutes without contact from the parents and emergency contacts we will contact social services.
Front doors are kept locked at all times.
Security cameras and alarm are in place.
Staff advised for arrangements of opening the door and questions to ask.
Visitors are accompanied at all time during their visit.
All adults are aware of their responsibility and roles of event of fire.
In spite of all measure in case of a missing child we will contact the police and parents immediately.
Signed: Updated: February 2016
Manager: Y Handzhieva